Friday, December 16, 2016

Max and Madeleine!

I am excited to announce that I have become an advisor for a really NEW health and wellness company called Max and Madeleine! I am really LOVING the company and the philosophy!

I have heard a lot about how toxic some of our health and beauty products are. There's parabens, sulfates, fragrances, dyes, and others. Individually and in such very small doses, our bodies can handle them very well. However, since we are surrounded by them every SINGLE day, our exposure to these toxins takes a toll. I mean, there's even fragrance added to trash bags these days!

I have been trying to transition my family to a more natural way of living for a while now. I have most of the essential oils (albeit the less expensive and lower quality brands but hey, it's a start right?). I love making my own scrubs and body butters. I have loved making my own simple cleaners and baby wipe solution. There are certain things that are more difficult for me to make, though. Deodorant, shampoo, and soap are some of the things that I am not set up to make.
 The saponification (soap curing) process takes a really long time and I am not wanting to do that at this point in time. (One day for sure!) I have tried natural deodorant recipes but they never seemed to work well. And shampoo is something I don't even want to attempt!

Max and Madeleine has something called shampoo bars - I had never even heard of these things! I have always used liquid soap for hair and body but I am really excited about using the bar soap for my hair now too. :-)

There are products for everyone -baby shampoo, lotion, and diaper cream, men's beard balm, and facial care products for teenagers! They have essential oil roller balls and balms for lots of different things!

I am really looking forward to being with this company!

Check out the full product line here:

Much more to come about natural recipes, remedies, and products! Thank you for reading and joining me on this journey.

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  1. I've never heard of Max & Madeleine products but they sound great.

  2. I have never heard of this company before but I love the philosophy.

  3. I have not heard of this company until now.

  4. I have not heard of Max and Madeleine until now. I am totally into essential oils though and am just getting started learning about green beauty products.

  5. I've never heard of them before.
